Purrr | April 2024

April 2024 - June 2024 (8 weeks)

Pepsi - Founder & Developer

Qianqian Lin - UI/UX Designer

My Role 
User Research
Define Problem
User Flow


Design System
Brand Identity Design



Purrr is a cat-purring white noise mobile app for stressful modern people. It helps users reduce anxiety and calm down with easy usability and high-quality cat purring white noises.

Interestingly, the sound of a cat's purr, which vibrates at frequencies between 25 and 150 Hertz, has been found to lower blood pressure, reduce stress, and even promote healing.

By combining cat purring with white noise, we aim to create a soothing auditory experience to help individuals unwind, improve sleep quality, and enhance overall well-being.


Many people struggle to relax

due to work pressures, relationship challenges, and constant information overload in today’s fast-paced world. This stress often leads to difficulties in falling asleep, increased anxiety, and decreased productivity. Studies have shown that 51% of adults who feel stressed also experience depression, and 61% report anxiety.


1. Provide a simple and effective relaxation solution using cat-purring sounds.
2. Help users reduce stress and improve sleep quality.
3. Design a frictionless and aesthetically soothing user experience.

User Research

In order to understand user needs and frustrations related to the relaxation problem, I conducted a survey with below questions:

1. On a scale 1 to 5, how would you evaluate your quality of rest?
2. What would you do to help yourself relax?
3. When do you think you often need to relax during the day?
4. What medium or technologies do you use to help yourself relax?
5. How often do you use the medium or technology to help with your relaxation?
6. What are some of the difficulties when you use the medium or technology?

Competitive Analysis

I researched some competitors in the current market, what I took away were:

1. Using conversational copy to build connections with users and makes the app more approachable
2. Rich sound sources could provide many options to users but at the same time could be overwhelming and addicted to the app.
3. Minimal visual information, for instance, limited colors and simple graphics makes people less stressed.
4. Most white noises are natural sounds, they lack of emotional and warm connection
Design Exploration
User Flow
Final Solution
Design System
User Feedback


Learned to create a design system from scratch and to collaborate with a developer and hand off final deliverables.  I challenged myself to think of many different designs for home page and distill the main the core features. If I have more time, I would continue to gather user feedback and make improvements.